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Who We Are

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We help people access a better tomorrow.

ALIGNMT A\'s mission is to build a comprehensive risk management platform for AI in healthcare, ensuring transparent, accountable, and inclusive innovation that aligns with diverse socio-economic values.

Our Vision and Values

We empower healthcare pioneers to harness the power of AI, ethically and equitably, for a healthier future for all.

We believe:

  • AI can revolutionize healthcare, but only if its development and deployment are guided by a strong moral compass.

  • Risks like bias, discrimination, and access disparities must be proactively identified and mitigated.

  • Diverse voices and perspectives are essential for shaping responsible AI solutions that benefit all communities.

Core Values


By striving for the new, we build a better future for ourselves and generations to come. Innovation leaves a footprint of progress, shaping the world in ways we can only imagine.


By breaking down silos and promoting open dialogue, we create an environment where everyone feels empowered to contribute their unique perspectives and ideas.


Understanding diverse needs cultivates compassion and bridges gaps. Accessibility isn't just a destination; it's the ongoing journey towards a future where everyone thrives, together.

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