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Turbocharge healthcare innovation with the AI compliance and risk monitoring platform

The ALIGNMT AI platform goes beyond accuracy reporting and delivers insights into Healthcare AI systematic risks. We inform decision makers at every step of the journey.

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Certify the fairness and validity of AI system across protected attributes during validation, testing, and production deployment.

Meet ONC HTI-1 certification criteria for Decision Support Interventions effective 12/2024

Comply with FDA AI/ML SaMD rule effective 10/2021.



Access an AI risk mitigation service for the entire AI lifecycle, including bias auditing and AI red teaming as-a-service.

Meet ONC HTI-1 certification of maintenance for Decision Support Interventions effective 12/2024

Comply with FDA AI/ML SaMD rule effective 10/2021.



Implement enterprise-wide policies and programatic controls to safeguard the usage of innovative AI systems in operational settings

Meet ONC HTI-1 certification criteria for Decision Support Interventions effective 12/2024

Communicate regulatory compliance with external stakeholders and capture user feedback.

Who We Serve

Chief Product Officer

Steer your healthcare AI with confidence: Mitigate risks, build trust. Launch innovation, not headlines.

Chief Medical Officer

Protect your patients and unlock AI's true potential. Our platform safeguards your healthcare AI with real-time risk monitoring

Chief Legal Officer

Minimize liability, maximize innovation: AI risk monitoring shields patients, empowers compliance, and lets legal minds focus on the future.

Innovate with Confidence

See a demo of ALIGNMT A\  today and learn how our Healthcare AI Compliance and Risk Monitoring Platform is driving efficiency and ROI for top healthcare teams.

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